China trip highlights new role for city leaders and for regional powerhouses

The recent tour of China by the Chancellor was notable for the presence of several leaders of cities from across the Northern Powerhouse who, along with the Chancellor, helped to promote the economic and investment opportunities in the North of England. The move to greater devolution of power to UK cities suggests that such city regional promotion is likely to become more and more commonplace. In particular, significant super city-regions and powerhouses such as the Midlands Engine and the Great Western Cities might be expected to seek similar promotion support from the Government. Further, as UK cities secure more powers from Government and develop more organisational capacity, there will be increasing scope for them to promote themselves directly to international partners looking for investment opportunities in the UK and Europe.

Metro Dynamics are currently working with a number of cities and places to help them understand how they can develop robust strategies for growth, including how to develop narratives of place that support investment.

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